FRI., APR. 10: Heavy Birds, Dagger Shores, ¡Vamanos! and The Royal They

11057945_10102077794080819_2249337962323569318_nThe raison d’être of the next show at Pet Rescue is the release of the debut cassette EP by Dagger Shores, the surf-psych-punk project brought to us by Derek from Sunset Guns and Stephen from The Big Parade. If you’ve come to Pet Rescue more than a couple times, you’ll likely recognize these guys, and this time they’ll be appearing in a format most of us haven’t seen yet. Dagger Shores made a splash back in March when they played a quick surprise set at Square Zeros‘ ZeroFest at Silent Barn, but this show is their official first live show ever. Likewise, the link to their Soundcloud page has been passed around by some folks in the know since they recorded their EP back in the fall of 2014 as part of Hearts Bleed Radio‘s 4-Track Challenge (the challenge was to write and record an EP’s worth of material on a cassette four-track in one month’s time), but now we’ll have a physical artifact to match it. An analog artifact, no less. But there are plenty of other reasons to mark this show. Opening up, we have the garagey and melodic The Royal They. Somewhere in there, we have ¡Vamanos!, a great garage-punk duo Team Pet Rescue has really been digging lately. Closing out the night, we have the ace psych/drone/fuzz-rock outfit Heavy Birds, whom some of you might remember playing an otherworldly late-night set at Pet Rescue over a year ago. Friday, April 10 is the night. There’s a Facebook event page. Come get weird with us. If you’re already weird, come and be an exemplar of weird.

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